Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Function to Remove Unwanted Characters from the code
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION shekhar_purge_char_br (s IN VARCHAR2)
s1 VARCHAR2 (4000);
s2 VARCHAR2 (4000);
i := 0;
for i in 1..length(s) loop
dbms_output.put_line(substr(s,i,1)||' '||ascii(substr(s,i,1)));
end loop;
s2 := s;
--Mat.01Mar2006. s1 := REPLACE (s2, '�', ' ');
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'ï', 'i'); --Mat.01Mar2006.
s2 := s1; --Mat.01Mar2006.
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '½', '1/2');--Mat.01Mar2006.
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '°', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '¶', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '*ÿ', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '¿', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '«', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'é', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '©', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'þ', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'è', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'ø', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'Ã', 'a''');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '§', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, ' ¬', 'i''');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'Â Â Â Â Â Â', '');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, ' ¹', 'u''');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '¢', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'Â', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, ' ±', 'n');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '²', '');
s2 := s1;
-- s1 := REPLACE (s2, '¿', '');
-- s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (185), '@');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (49824), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (10), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (13), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (09), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (50051), 'a''');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (49849), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'ù', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (49840), ' ');
s2 := s1;
-- Change Started by TCS SC Case 1827254 26-10-2004 --------
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '¢', ' ');
s2 := s1;
-- Change Completed by TCS SC Case 1827254 26-10-2004 --------
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'à', 'a');
--Added by TCS on 21-Jun-2005 as per SC Case#3072553
s2 := s1;
-- Changed by TCS SC Case 1827254 20.06.2005 --------
--Added by TCS as per Case#3094416
--Added By TCS as per ticket 2207791 on 2MAY,2007
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'á', 'a');
s2 := s1;
--Added By TCS as per ticket 2207791 on 2MAY,2007
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'ù', 'u');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'ò', 'o');
s2 := s1;
--Added By TCS as per ticket 2207791 on 2MAY,2007
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'ó', 'o');
s2 := s1;
--Added By TCS as per ticket 2207791 on 2MAY,2007
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'è', 'e');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'é', 'e');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, chr(50088), '1');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'ì', 'i');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '°', ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'Ö', 'O'); -- Changed by TCS SC Case 3207244 18-jul-05
s2 := s1; -- Changed by TCS SC Case 3207244 18-jul-05
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14844051), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14844060), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14844588), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14844057), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (49834), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14844061), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14688361), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (15261796), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (15329200), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (15165030), ' ');
s2 := s1;
--End of addition by TCS as per Case#3094416
---- added on 06-OCT-2005 SC Case #3687465
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14845342), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14845340), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (14845339), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, 'Ø', '');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '¼', '1/4');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '¾', '3/4');
s2 := s1;
---- end of addition on 06-OCT-2005 SC Case #3687465
----Start of addition by TCS as on 10-JAN-2006
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (155), ' ');
s2 := s1;
----End of addition by TCS as on 10-JAN-2006
----Start of addition by TCS as on 13-JAN-2006
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (140), ' ');
s2 := s1;
----End of addition by TCS as on 13-JAN-2006
----Start of addition by TCS as on 24-JAN-2006
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (186), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (182), ' ');
s2 := s1;
----End of addition by TCS as on 24-JAN-2006
---Start of addition by TCS as on 28-Feb-2006
s1 := REPLACE (s2, CHR (50103), '+');
s2 := s1;
--End of addition by TCS as on 28-Feb-2006
-- added by shiva on 06-Apr-2006
s1 := REPLACE (s2, chr(15712189), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, chr(50051), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, chr(50089), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, chr(49855), ' ');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE(s2,CHR(0),NULL);
s2 := s1;
-- End of addition by shiva on 06-Apr-2006
s1 := REPLACE (s2, chr(49855), 'f');
s2 := s1;
-- new replacement of char on 09-06-06 by shiva
s1 := REPLACE (s2, chr(39), ' ');
s2 := s1;
--double apex made with 2 single apex
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '''''', '"');
s2 := s1;
s1 := REPLACE (s2, '''', '');
s2 := s1;
-- Added by TCS on 06-06-2006 as per SC Case #4959976
s1 := replace ( s2,'È','E' );
s2 := s1;
s1 := replace ( s2,chr(50056),'E' );
s2 := s1;
-- End of addition by TCS on 06-06-2006 as per SC Case #4959976
-- Added by TCS on 27-02-2007 as per SC Case #5992925
s1 := replace ( s2,chr(50054),'E' );
s2 := s1;
-- End of addition by TCS on 27-02-2007 as per SC Case #5992925
SQL for requisition number From PO Table, sales order, and receipt number from RCV Tables
SELECT porh.segment1, porl.line_num, pord.distribution_num,
ooh.order_number sales_order, ool.line_number so_line_num,
rsh.receipt_num, rcv.transaction_type
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh,
po_requisition_headers_all porh,
po_requisition_lines_all porl,
po_req_distributions_all pord,
oe_order_lines_all ool,
po_system_parameters_all posp,
rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
rcv_transactions rcv
WHERE ooh.order_source_id = posp.order_source_id --instead of hardcoding to 10
AND porh.org_id = posp.org_id
AND porh.requisition_header_id = ool.source_document_id
AND porl.requisition_line_id = ool.source_document_line_id
AND porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id
AND porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id
AND porl.requisition_line_id = rcv.requisition_line_id
AND pord.distribution_id = rcv.req_distribution_id
AND rcv.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
AND ooh.org_id = posp.org_id
AND ool.header_id = ooh.header_id
AND ool.shipped_quantity > 0
AND ool.orig_sys_line_ref not like '%OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL%'
AND ool.source_document_line_id is not null
ooh.order_number sales_order, ool.line_number so_line_num,
rsh.receipt_num, rcv.transaction_type
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh,
po_requisition_headers_all porh,
po_requisition_lines_all porl,
po_req_distributions_all pord,
oe_order_lines_all ool,
po_system_parameters_all posp,
rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
rcv_transactions rcv
WHERE ooh.order_source_id = posp.order_source_id --instead of hardcoding to 10
AND porh.org_id = posp.org_id
AND porh.requisition_header_id = ool.source_document_id
AND porl.requisition_line_id = ool.source_document_line_id
AND porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id
AND porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id
AND porl.requisition_line_id = rcv.requisition_line_id
AND pord.distribution_id = rcv.req_distribution_id
AND rcv.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
AND ooh.org_id = posp.org_id
AND ool.header_id = ooh.header_id
AND ool.shipped_quantity > 0
AND ool.orig_sys_line_ref not like '%OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL%'
AND ool.source_document_line_id is not null
Query :- Sales Order Details Based on PO requistion number
SELECT oeh.order_number, oeh.header_id, oel.line_id, oel.line_number
FROM oe_order_lines_all oel,
oe_order_headers_all oeh,
po_requisition_headers_all porh,
po_requisition_lines_all porl
WHERE oeh.header_id = oel.header_id
AND oel.source_document_id = porh.requisition_header_id
AND oel.source_document_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
AND porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id
AND oel.order_source_id = 10 --order_source_id for 'Internal'
AND oel.orig_sys_document_ref = '&requisition_number'
AND oel.org_id = porh.org_id
ORDER BY oeh.header_id, oel.line_id;
FROM oe_order_lines_all oel,
oe_order_headers_all oeh,
po_requisition_headers_all porh,
po_requisition_lines_all porl
WHERE oeh.header_id = oel.header_id
AND oel.source_document_id = porh.requisition_header_id
AND oel.source_document_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
AND porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id
AND oel.order_source_id = 10 --order_source_id for 'Internal'
AND oel.orig_sys_document_ref = '&requisition_number'
AND oel.org_id = porh.org_id
ORDER BY oeh.header_id, oel.line_id;
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